Movie Night

Friday night our fun neighbors hosted a movie night in the backyard for all the kids- it was such a great idea! They hooked up a giant screen on the side of the house and had Nemo projected with speakers and everything. We walked down with our blankets and jackets loaded up in the stroller and snacked on hot dogs, nachos, beers and popcorn.

I was all flustered since Heff had walked the girls to the park in their stroller and sun-dresses and he just wanted to throw jackets and layers for them in the stroller and "roll." This is not how I roll :) I need to dress them from the ground up for a night outside but I tried to get over it. The girls kinda looked like raggamuffins but I had to admit when we walked home he was RIGHT (always hurts :) and they were just fine with their sweats-under-dresses-with-uggs-and-warm-jackets wardrobe for the evening.

The Dads in the Dad corner :)

Francie's first Finding Nemo experience- she liked it until the scary shark came but helped herself feel better by hiding next to Maisie "Look Sharkie, there is a big shark just like you"

Moms gabbing behind Baby Bella- the sky looked so cool, it was the warm/calm before this huge storm that is blowing in today

Maisie crawling up to touch the huge fishys

Francie asked this big kid if she could sit next to him for a wittle bit. He obliged.

Thanks Tate... Talan & Tristan too!