Happy April 1st!

I was trying to think of a good April Fool's joke but came up short. April looks like it will bring lots of exciting things for our little family- Easter weekend, Mom's birthday, Maisie's BIG 1st birthday and the sun coming back for playing outside. So in honor of April 1- here are all the pictures from March I forgot to blog/upload! I know... sooo exciting :)

Francie likes to play mom/teacher/student/restaurant and Maisie gets to be whatever her big sister tells her to be

But she sure has fun being the baby/student/food eater!

Not sure if she will survive the "ride" from point A to point B- a look of shock on her face when she did.

We took a trip up to Hidden Villa one Sunday when Dad had to work (he's been so busy this month- not complaining just saying!) so we met some friends up on the farm to check out the new baby animals

loving the am-i-nals

Did you know... "Cows have boobies called Udd-hers under their bottoms to feed their babies?" She was kinda grossed out by this.

"STOP! No photos Mom- the cow spelled it wrong!"

That's not a very good name for a COW.

Chickens (Red Neck and Queenie's "Uncles" she tells us) No offense James, Jerry, Mark, Craig, Donald, Doug and soon Pat. UNCLES play the role of anything in Francie's stories that fall a little lower on the totem pole of worry. Like the infamous story she re-tells: "One time Jannie's grandma and grandpa we're driving on Highway 17. Jannie was little and a deer ran out of the woods on the road and their car hit the deer and the deer died. It went to heaven and the tow truck had to come take the car away. It was an Uncle deer though- it wasn't a mommy or a daddy deer or a little sister deer." Just to be clear.

She's got opinions

Gardeners on our way home from Hidden Villa

Little artist - Francie begs to do art projects all the time. Most of them end up scarring the table/wall/outfit but the masterpieces go to Dad or Grandpa's office

like when this turns into THIS (don't look too closely at how I had to blur the edges so you couldn't see HOW dirty our floorboards/walls are!) Thank God for 409

and she is very proud of her 3D Mickey Puzzle both Jannie and Emmy gave her. Good thing- now we can't loose any pieces and will have to keep it forever. She's getting decent at putting the pieces together but gets frustrated enough it's not my favorite activity ever :)

Self portrait going out on a date!

Maisie still looks like a gummy-smile baby to me but if you tickle her upside down you see 8 going on 10 teeth

Still not walking at 11 months but sooo close (I thought she would beat Francie)

Moodle in the Middle

and Francie insists on brushing her teeth a few times, taking her vitamins and eating well- but ONLY when she is at her Jannie's house!!

"Here Soph, I'll brush your's too. You need it."

What a big girl

Frat boys have nothing on my lounging Tom-boy in her "Francie Hunts" t-shirt, camo pants and beer coozie on her milk

This game never gets old

and in our usual fashion of being such fantastic parents- more evidence of our late night walks to Willow Market for dinner provisions- after dark (may or may not have even been AFTER daylight savings in this picture) to get home, make dinner and feed our children at 9pm.

Can't wait to see what April has in store for us!