Naptime is The Best

I don't think there is anything in the whole world as relaxing as naptime :) You know your charges are soundly sleeping and don't need you and there is nothing really any more important you need to be doing. My mom says she used to love curling up in her bed with a magazine or catalogue when we napped in the afternoons. I guess I do the same thing- just a little more electronic versions!

Friday we came home from a busy morning- breakfast at Jannie's after the sleepover, playgroup at Jasmine's house and lunch with friends at Stanford Rodin Garden. The girls were both passed out in the car on the drive home and our housecleaner was here so I put both girls down in our room- Francie in our bed and Maisie back in the bassinet I haven't put in storage yet! How could I not crawl in bed with my laptop and iPhone to check my favorite blogs, facebook, check emails and play Words with Friends (maryandheff if you play ;)

She was a little confused when she woke up :) and covered in my jacket bringing her in from the car