Crab Dinner at Our House

Last weekend Jannie and Grampa were in Tahoe so Jerry and Allison had Sophie dog-sitting duty. After our dish walk Saturday they stopped by Cook's for some live crab and brought them over for dinner. Christian came over too and we had a lively, entertaining night thanks to two little girls :) The crabs were delish- great job cooking and cleaning them Jer & Awoo!

In the kitchen with my little brother! (we said Jannie was going to be jealous she wasn't here when she saw this picture- but forgot Francie has to be in it to make Jannie jel!)

Here they come...

They were strong little suckers pinching everything in claws-reach

Francie's not taking any chances looking at the camera (not that she ever does)

Man down-

Francie has my heart for sure- she yelled "BUH-BYE wittle crabby!"

Mountain Man and Maisie Moo (how long will the beard be here!?)

Sidecars for Mary and Kisstian

Cleaning the crab- always a big job!


and part of the "entertainment" - Francie announced she was going potty, and no one really took notice when she went out the front door instead of to the bathroom. A minute later she comes back inside and we realized what she did... on the front doormat Francie?! Ay-ya-ya.