Getaway Not So Far Away

Last weekend Heff was loaded up with work to do so the girls and I checked in to the pool at Rosewood! It was an impromptu party up there with three of our neighbors also staying overnight (without kids ;) but the kids all came for the day to swim and play.

Sisters: Annabella & Alexa with Francie & Maisie
(none of them too excited for a group photo)

Grampa and Jannie came up too! Grampa gets points for swimming :)

and Christian and Summer were there to swim too. Summer loooves the baby :)

After a full day at the pool, naps and showers the girls and I wandered around waiting for Dad to come join us (they love their hand-me-down shirts from The Shigos! Francie woke up to see Maisie in hers and said "Ohhh I LOVE all your letters Maisie!")

Maisie all of the sudden loves to have headbands on her head! She squeals when you put it on, holds her ears/head and looks at you with a squinty-eyed smile like "Can you BELIEVE how good I look?!" They don't last all that long- but it's a start :)

"Watch the comments about ME mom!" (sorry- inapprop)

I wonder who taught Maisie to climb INTO everything (I almost lost my camera jumping over the fountain to pull Maisie back once or twice!)

Still waiting for Dad- reading our current favorite "What Do People Do All Day" and not into sitting together for a photo (who am I kidding, they never are)

Daddy's here!!!! And it's a kids menu room service picnic on the floor!!!

Where did she learn this?

"Two extra large milks... thank you."
(I swear the girl would live off nothing but milk if she had her way)

Yummmmy. I had ventured up to the bar to meet some friends for drinks before our picnic (thanks for the break Heff) but quickly came back down to the real party with my favorite people :)

It got a little messy eating pasta and burgers on the floor

"WHOA. I think I ate too much."