Funny Francie

Francie has been saying some funny things lately- I have to remember to write some of them down. This morning she was in bed yelling at the dog who jumps onto the foot of her bed while she's sleeping and it drives her crazy. She was screaming-

"OLLIE! Get OFF my bed! Get off my bed RIGHT NOW! You are so ANNOYING Ollie! THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE DOING OLLIE. Ugggggh you are soooo annoying. Get off my bed and GET IN YOUR OWN DOG BED!" (followed by a dog jump to the ground) and then "Thank you. Good boy Ollie." and she went back to sleep.

What a little nut.

She is also still obsessed with moles. Yes, MOLES. Like a dermatologist. She tells me moles are more interesting than freckles and that she thinks the mole on my arm is "the most wonderfulest mole in my whole wide life" and she kisses it and says "Oh Mole Arm you make me soooo happy." There is also a "Mole Back" that is a close second favorite. She HAS to have access to a mole of some sort while she drinks her milk when she is tired so she usually comes up next to me and sticks her hand in my sleeve. She told Jannie she needed to go to the mole store because "Jannie didn't have a big enough mole to pinch like Mommy's." Isabel has earlobes- Francie has MOLES!