Minnie Me

This is what Francie does to her sister all day.

usually she obliges. As long as it's not the choke hold

It's hard work being the big sister

I pulled out (and washed down) Francie's old climbing thing. Maisie the Monkey loves it. Can you tell?

and her favorite spot lately is this chair on the front porch. She perches her self here and watches the world go by most mornings. Lots of exciting dogs to watch walking by.

Francie has been feeding the chickens (who are laying eggs again! After the cannibalized the bottom-of-the-pecking-order poor hen I guess order is restored in the flock) and doing chores for "reward money" after she found a Target catalogue and wanted everything in it. Heff told her she had to earn money to buy something in it. She is collecting coins in a jar but is scared to death of the "disobedience tax."

Francie loved watching Emmy's video over and over

and later we made cookies