Cows and "Aminals" at The Coast

Last weekend (I'm a little behind on my posting!) we went out to the coast to hike, play and see all the animals on the ranch- or AMINALS as Francie calls them. She is sure an aminal lover- got that from her Dad. Maisie had fun playing with her buddy and made her "what's a doggy say" sound whenever she saw the cows.

Maisie Moooooooooooooo

Big Girl!

who still won't leave home without her binky

Maisie snuggling with Sarah- it was a nice sunny day out there but cool ocean breezes up on top of the hill

Looking for trouble

Moms with babes in matching Ergos marching down the hill

Francie at the baby animal barn around sunset

"Does this goat have Poison Oak like Pierre and Wu-wees?" (Pierre, Blanca & Loius- Oma's goats always come with a warning :)

She was so excited to see the infamous ROCKY THE COW up on the hill!! She met Rocky when he was a bottle-fed baby and talks about him all the time- she asks whenever she has meet at dinner "Is this Rocky meat?" and won't eat it unless she thinks it came from her buddy Rocky. Guess we'll have to thave the "actually cows die to give you meat" talk- I think she thinks meat for cows is just like eggs for chickens.

"Pleeeeeeeease Daddy can I have one?" (won't be a hard sell in 5 years I'm guessing)

He's such a sucker for his tom-boy-baby-girls :)

The girls and their buddy- what a fun day!