Sunny Day

Last weekend we had an impromptu party in the backyard- we finally got to use the water table/playhouse when the sun came out! (it's back to rainy dreary days today) The neighbors came over - we turned on the water table and the girls all had a blast.

Francie and Alexa having fun with water

Slip Sliding

Our adorable neighbors Alexa and Annabella

Shark Attack

Sandra and Baby Bella

all the girls

and the clothes come off- i love a baby in a onesie!

and Clara came over to visit too! (Mark & Sarah just bought a new house!!

"WHAT? Cousin Clara is moving!!?" Don'r worry Maisie- not too far away :)

Congrats Clara on your new digs :) We're so excited for you guys!

Big girls in the playhouse pretending to be asleep when I came in

Don't ever send young, impressionable children to our house. This is what they hear "You know Red Neck? The chicken? He DIED. Yup. The odder chickens- they pecked him til he had a red bottom and he died and now he is in heaven. It's nice there- he can sleep in a big bed. Now we only have five chickens. We used to have four." (keep working on that math France)

and it was "Hay Day" for the chickens! About every 2-3 months we throw a new bale of hay in the coop- so much better than the mud that forms Press-On-Nails on their toes!

and we're off...