
Maisie in my favorite hand-me-down from the Salzes and her new tutu from Auntie Em- Francie insisted she wear it for ballet practice in the living room.

WARNING: Boring update on children's sleep patterns to follow. Don't read- just had to document because I never remember what they did when...

We're going on night 5 of "sleep training" a 9 month old and 28 month old :) Getting our double bed back. Maisie does great when I put her in the crib tired but not asleep and close the door (with a nightlight) She's been sleeping until 6-7am and then nurses and goes back down until 9:30/10am. Francie is a little harder to get down "Will you puh-leeeease just lay down with me for a few more minutes!!" but once she's out (10pm on average) she sleeps until around 8/8:30am and then watches Mickey's Clubhouse with milk-a-sauce (we stopped the sauce- ran out of Hershey's or Heff would still be giving it to her!) while I sleep for a few more minutes :) She does great going down for naps in her big girl bed though (she knows Dad is a softie when he is here!) and naps usually from 3-6pm. EXCEPT at Jannie's house. A nap has never been had at Jannie's house. And Maisie still takes 2-3 naps a day.

and just because I can't post without pictures... if Maisie took a bottle I think she would aspire to do this. I mean she has my genes and finger-toes so seems logical right?

and Sarah is working on new personalized "avatars" for the girls on the blog header... I can't wait to see what she paints!