Maisie Shark

Maisie is SO much fun right now and really coming into her own. She has a great little personality at 10 months old and we can't wait to hear everything she has to say once she can start talking. We call her Maisie Shark because we always sing her the "Mais-ee shark doo-do do-do-da-do" song and she dances, (or we call her Maisie Moo, Moodle or Wuga-Wuga thanks to her sis) She weighs about 18 pounds, still fits into my favorite size 2-3 pampers snugglers, still nurses and if she eats real food only likes to feed herself- she loves to eat meat but isn't too interested in much else. She's been plagued with ear infections for the most of 2010 but they don't seem to bother her too much- we're hoping she's not a tubes baby but we'll see. She has a great little giggle and makes us laugh all the time. We love you Maisie!

Maisie makes so many funny faces


This must be the equivalent of bed-head for a baldy- her hair is starting to come in but more so in the back, the front view is still a little Q-ball!

Maisie LOVES her sister more than anything (well, except maybe her binky) and lights up when Francie comes into the room. She thinks anything Francie does is hilarious and France just eats it up and she sure loves Maisie- most of the time ;) don't you love how she has the binky in even in the bath!? Heff was giving them baths when I came in to check and saw this- he said "mom has champagne in her bath, Maisie has her binky."

She is such a good girl and an easy baby. When she gets tired she rubs her eyes and leans towards her crib, I put her on her side with a lovey and a pillow and her comforter (I know breaking the rules) and she just settles in and falls right to sleep. (Francie used to toss and turn forever before falling asleep half sitting up) She is sleeping through the night pretty well now and sometimes still wakes up around 5/6am to eat and then goes back to bed until 8/9am. And she is still taking 2-3 naps most days, one good long afternoon one with her sister so I can get something done!

ABA thinks this picture looks just like my dad ("John Simo in baby form") Everyone says they think Maisie looks like me and I love it :) She has so many similarities to my grandma Mary Arnerich and her sister Marjorie Brady- good thing she was named after them!

and in case you are still reading (which only means you LOVE Maisie too :) here is a little video of her this morning while Francie was probably getting into some kind of trouble in the other room