Ann & Pat called and...

they have BIG NEWS today!

Pat popped the question in a surprise proposal this afternoon in Nashville. Apparently (and I still need to get the whole story- not just the OMG 10 minutes after it happened version) he left Ann's apartment to head to the airport as he is working in Georgia right now. Then he called and asked her to go over to his house to check the alarm or something... when she got there he surprised her and got down on his knee with a ring! So exciting!!

WOW! What a ring!! Pat had the ring designed for Ann- I think she and his sister Anna gave him a few hints on what she liked :) It's gorgeous!

Soon to be Mr. and Mrs. Williams! (Heff was glad to see you dressed up for the occasion Pat :)

BABY ANN: Francie (and your big sister, brother-in-law and napping Niece Maisie who missed the photo op) are ALL SO EXCITED FOR YOU AND PAT!!! Let the wedding planning begin!