Smart Sprouts!

UPDATE: A local mom's blog in Nash just posted an awesome article on Ann and Smart Sprouts! I love that I get a nod! It says "Smart Sprouts is a brilliant idea which Ann has proudly copied from her older sister." :)

Part of the article here ... (or click here to see the whole post with new photos) Go Ann!

Via Style Blueprint: "I love young ambitious female entrepreneurs who see a vacancy in the market and jump right in. I opened a lunch cafe in downtown Nashville at the age of 25 – actually signing the rental agreement at just 24. So, when I met up with Ann Williams and heard her story and saw her enthusiasm behind her new play-care adventure, Smart Sprouts, I felt a bit like I was talking to myself, but back when I was fresh out of college. Ann has as an undergraduate degree in childhood development and a masters in child studies from Vanderbilt University, my own alma mater, which sealed the deal that I claim her as the little sister I never had. But, less about me and more about Smart Sprouts and why I wish I still had wee little ones to drop off here.

Smart Sprouts is a brilliant idea which Ann has proudly copied from her older sister who lives in Menlo Park – outside of San Francisco. Her sister realized that moms needed a place to drop their children, for short amounts of time, that was less congested and more focused on learning than your typical drop-in center. Like her sister’s business, Smart Sprouts does not have a T.V., video game, or electronic toy in the entire play-care.
I love the wooden toys that dominate the play-time here."


Smart Sprouts is opening this week! Ann sent me some pictures today- does't it look great!? I am so excited for her! The big preview party is Thursday night and I wish I was there to attend but Jannie is out in Nashville helping out and I'm sure it will be a success. Good Job Baby Ann!

her sister-in-law Margy painted the tree, it looks awesome!