Santa Tea

Last week we got together with the Mariani clan for a Christmas Grandmothers-Mothers-Grandkids Tea tradition Jannie started when Francie was born. She had to get the train set up for her buddies Joe, James and Wil and the little girls played with every doll in the house. Thanks for a fun afternoon Jannie and Santa!

Jannie's house looked great all decked out for Christmas

all glass ornaments on the tree this year

cute Emilia, Emerie and Nellie

Who is jingling at the door?!

soo excited to see Santa

Maisie not afraid of Santa anymore

and Francie's "what I want for Christmas" changes every time! now I think she said an American Girl doll to be Natalie-Emily's little sister

Going up for candy canes - I didn't notice until I looked at pictures the girls were holding hands :)

Maisie Moo

Just checking to make sure he's the real deal…

Tracy and Whitney take a turn

Group picture! Francie and her giant bow hiding behind Santa's hat

Thanks Santa!! And he wasn't even wearing "meeting shoes" like he was last year... Jannie has a really good sport on the cul de sac ;)

Nico couldn't get enough of Sophie's licks!

Crazy Maisie

is a dare-devil in a dress

Me with the Mariani girls- they make me want to keep having all girls!!

Francie looking like a rag-a-muffin with Stella, James and Wil

I see you Wil!