Family Closet

The girls and I have been sick for a few days so we were quarantined all weekend with Heff. We were sad to miss Christmas parties and festivities but it was a really nice family weekend at home catching up on all the little stuff. Heff says I'm nesting- getting ready for the baby already- but I think I'm just using any free moment for my favorite activity... organizing! I tackled the girls closets/rooms/clothes on Sunday.

I've been trying to figure out the best way to do a "family closet" system like the Duggars- (genius born out of neccessity when you have 19 children) where all the clothes are organized in the same place by size. Way easier for Dad and the girls to choose their own outfits when I let them :) I realized the built-in we put in the bathroom above a laundry shoot is the perfect spot- we just needed a few more shelves which my handy husband made and my label maker. This way if kids are sleeping in either bedroom you can still get to the bathroom (jack-and-jill style) to dress them but can just put all the clothes away in one place.

PJ's in the bathroom for the girls to pick after their baths (our wallpaper is FINALLY here and getting put up next week- only took me 6 months)

I showed Francie her underwear drawer and she goes "Wowie-Zowie it's all organized!" a girl after her mom's heart.

Undershirts (one size fits all for now) but next size up in the back- somehow Kerri Shigo managed to send me a stack of perfectly white Petit Bateau hand-me-down tanks, how did they make it through three girls like that I have no idea!?

Ballet Drawer

I know, I have serious issues. "Matching Long Sleeve Pinks" should never be allowed to be called it's own category.

and I moved the summer dresses to Maisie's closet (which will be new baby nursery after the bassinet phase) and winter matching dresses in Francie's room (which they will share soon enough I hope) So many of these are hand-me-downs, we're lucky to have such nice friends with girls!

Ahhh it makes me so happy to see this now when I get them dressed in the morning :)