What We've Been Up To

How is it December!? Our life has been so crazy busy lately but at the same time kind of slow and quiet when we get to hang out at home. I haven't been very good at blogging though- here's a catch up.

We went on a Christmas Horse and Carriage Ride through downtown Los Altos last Friday night- the Chamber of Commerce sponsors it and you sign up for a night in December. We're making it a tradition for sure!

"I see the horse!!"

Aunt Kat and Oliver came to stay with us for six days- so much fun to have them here and Maisie just can't get enough of baby Oliver. Kat and I did some shopping and had a great time hanging out (come back soon :)

Oliver the cattle-rancher in training says "A horsey ride? kinda borrrring."

What a fun Friday Night

and we had a Iron Chef Cook-off Tasting Party at our house last week with four chefs, ten moms and ten kids (for the new business I'm opening- I need to blog it!) It was CRAZY- tons of fun food and tons of chaos... I had to sit on the couch for a few hours afterward I was so worn out- I hadn't stopped moving all week. But the party was great and we got lots of feedback from our playgroup-focusgroup :)

We've been hanging out at Shoup Park in the swings when the sun is out

Francie made a new friend and shared our fun new triple-seater-tricycle

They picked up a few passengers along the way

The trike is a big hit at the park... that's five passengers and a baby-in-the-belly on one tricycle!

Maisie finally has enough hair she gets bed head and slide static

"holding" Baby Lucy- Emily is as laid back a mom as Lucy is a baby :)

Maisie LOOOOVES her some newborn

and they're off... problem is we've learned the entire ride TO the park from our house is a slight downhill but coming home- all uphill so I end up on the second seat peddling back

and a couple weeks ago we had a little birthday breakfast celebration for our friend B. It was a fun morning at home in PJ's!

the girls helped me make slow-cooker oatmeal and pancakes.

and lots of playing around the house (building a fire and not leaving- trying to make a point to change out of PJ's before Dad gets home from work) with legos, magnatiles and the huge dollhouse Jannie found at a garage sale- the girls climb into the third floor attic and get themselves stuck... I hear lots of "Mommmmmmmm!!!" They let me get some work done while they play- I moved my "office" into the living room- and if all else fails Dora and Diego save the day :)