Thanksgiving in Red Bluff - Part 2

Friday we piled in cars for a hike on the river - a holiday tradition now! 7 kids under 7 on a 2.5 mile hike is slightly ambish but they were troopers and most of them walked almost the whole way- with the bribe of a starburst at the end of the trail. We found the same rock to take a photo on as we did last year- just a smaller group without the Cahills. It was worth the cold temps- even for me :)

parking under the bridge and packing up kids for the hike

Sun squinting buddies Francie and Ellie

Heff with Maisie in the pack ready to head out

Clara says "Uhh... did you guys forget about me here?"

Setting out, stopped to pick up a snake shed

Getting a workout giving Francie a lift

"Uppie Mom"

Shoulders instead, pretty impressive double-decker!

I love how quickly the pout turns around

Uncle Mark and Clara Marie

Nice old shotgun shell eyeballs Kate!

The dismount is even funnier to watch in succession- watch your whiplashed neck Maise!

Cute Matthews kids

Brian, Claire, Sarah and Mark patiently waiting for the kids to finish exploring the standing water "pool"

"I climbed it!"

"I'd rather sit here with my binky and watch"

Sisters- both looking at the camera even if Maisie is giving her signature stink-eye

Supervising the climbers getting ready for a timed picture on the rock

The hikers!

Love this face Patrick. He wanted to keep this rock and carried it halfway down the trail

Ellie and her little buddy Maisie

and I love that Ellie carries her around everywhere!

Thanks for the love Maisie :)

found our turnaround point and headed back

Patrick needs a hand to make it through the weeds

Slowly but surely

my cute husband!

Coraling the troops until everyone made their way back


Then Saturday Heff and I decided to take the girls up to the Lake Almanor cabin to play in the snow. We packed everything up and headed out- thinking we'd make a quick stop at Crossroads Supply for kids snow pants and gloves. No luck at Crossroads so we tried Tractor Supply, Big 5 AND Walmart- NO pants to be found anyhwere! Reluctantly we gave up on that mission knowing we'd be asking for cold grumpy wet kids without proper attire :) AT least we got to come back to the excitement of the burn pile!

Little trolling pyro - she kept saying "hot! mama hot!!"

Francie loved it

Looking so serious (her new favorite phrase too "Mom, this is SERIOUS.") and notice Ollie in the background hadn't learned his lesson from last year's burn pile

Francie took this picture of me and my snaggle-tooth!

Little stinkers

aw I love these crazy girls :)

more Francie photography