Halloween Night

Sunday night we had a rocking Halloween - Pat's family all came back with my parents for dinner, to watch the World Series and take the kids trick-or-treating. We didn't know our street is apparently the place to be on Halloween Night- It was INSANE!! I thought we'd have enough candy to give out, but asked Margy and John to pick some extra up since they were going to the drug store- then my dad heard we might need candy and offered to run by Costco (any excuse- my dad loves costco!) so we had tons. And it was wiped out by 7pm. Donald ran to Safeway and cleared them out and we still went through it all. Our front lawn looks like a marathon path went right through it- but it was a whole lot of fun. Now I'm thinking out 12 large plastic bins of "Halloween Decorations" storage isn't enough, I'll have to keep adding to the collection for next year, sorry Heff!

Setting up for the big night

Donald and Baby Doverspike in his festive blanket Jannie made

Mia and Francie "ready for customers!" they manned the door for most of the night with Pat's Cousin Beth- thanks guys!

Fog machine was a hit

Best buds- both Minnie's

AnneMarie in a great costume

We thought this would be enough candy (this and 4 more jumbo bags inside). HA!

They just started streaming in

The Dad's and the babies

Love Emma's handmade iPhone costume!

Waiting for the "surprise" guest


Heading out for some trick-or-treating of our own

Proud parents with their first trick-or-treater

The first house Maisie went up to by herself...

The lady put a "Dot's" chewy/gummy candy in her basket (yes she is trick-or-treating with an easter basket- oops) and Francie goes "No! She can't have that! It's a choking hazard!" The lady thought Francie was nuts but switched it out per Francie's demands :)

Little Triceratops making her way up the stairs on her own. And these moms have the right idea- wine on the porch.

Jannie HAD to go to up to this neighbor's house since I told her the daughter who lives there want's to go to Vandy :)

Scary scenes from our street

Game Four of the World Series was on Halloween Night- thanks to this friendly neighbor the dad's didn't have to keep checking their phones for the score... :)

Kinda like this New Yorker cover from last year :) poor kids- damn smart phones!

It was also kind of comical this was the only house that wasn't totally decorated- and the girls were the most scared to go up to this front door! Real people scarier than target decorations I guess.

But Maisie was thrilled with the Organic Annie's Cheddar Bunnies :)

Jannie and AnneMarie being SCARY :)

at least Triceratops still has her easter basket and her binky

We got home to find the candy on the second round! And this was after they cleared out our freezer, the kids earlier collections AND my jars of It's A Boy/Girl Bubble Gum cigars!

Oliver the little Pumpkin! (and thanks for saving the day with the Safeway run for candy Donald)

Francie changed out of costume #2 into her sister's pants and set down for her favorite part- "organizing her candy" (hummmm, wonder where she learned this behavior?:)

Maisie was more interested in sticking glow sticks in her ear

Bedtime for the little goblins! (Francie held Oliver here for 2.5 seconds then looks at Kat and says "I'm good. You can have him back now."

Happy Halloweeeeeen!