Nashville Weekend

More pictures from my fun-filled weekend in Nashville visiting my baby sister! Thanks for having me Ann and Pat- here's what we did in 72 hours...

Started building her new business... we checked out the space before it got dark

It's in a GREAT location with 10 other adorable little businesses- kind of a cottage shopping center :)

Grabbed dinner to go at a little place called Zoe's

and then organized and online shopped Thursday night until 1am

Friday morning we went shopping for Smart Sprouts stuff at the Nashville hotspots like TJ Maxx Homegoods. We got a ton of great toys, games and decor stuff and then hit Home Depot for all the necessaary tools and cleaning stuff she's going to need. Even found a green ladder and drill!

We stopped and tried on bridesmaids dresses for me to get fitted and pick a style for Jen's wedding in New Orleans in March! Jen picked great styles and I love the one I choose. ABA was not happy with me when I made her try on the dresses for me since I am 7 months pregnant and THEN told her I might as well try them on too :)

and grocery/dinner shopping- they have an awesome Whole Foods right near the new Smart Sprouts.

We had Pat's whole family- The William's, White's and Galassini's and our cousin Mike who is working/living in Nashville over for dinner Friday night. It was great to see everyone after the wedding week- they all live really close by. Ann and Pat have done such a cute job decorating their house!

The newlyweds

and we celebrated Mikey's 25th birthday that was Sunday- Happy Birthday Mike!

After everyone left we unloaded all the loot from our day of shopping

We made sure to have some diversity in our baby doll buying :)

Then Saturday morning we set out bright and early for the closest IKEA- in Atlanta 300 miles away!

We rented a U-Haul trailer in Nashville - it was way cheaper than a one way trailer or a truck so we pretended we knew what we were doing and set out with a 12 foot trailer behind us.

Ready for the 4.5 hour drive

One stop to switch drivers and gas up- arrived at Ikea at 12:30pm ready to hit the store

and that we did:

We got home at 1am Saturday night... slept. Woke up early (feeling like I had run a marathon) to unload the trailer and get it back by 9am. Isn't their house cute!?

Then we got to work...


and After:

and Sunday night when it got too dark to work (no electricity in the space yet) we went to Ann and Pat's friends house for a Thanksgiving dinner party- it was delicious! The girls went all out cooking every main, side and dessert you could think of.

Girl's cooked and chatted. Boys watched football

amazing spread!

and back up at 5:45am to take me to the airport Monday morning- but had to stop at Smart Sprouts one last time... good luck ABA, can't wait to see it all come together, you are going to do great!!