I Love These Girls

I am getting ready to go visit my sister in Nashvegas for FIVE days! I am so excited to hang out with her and Pat, see their new home and call her Mrs. Williams officially :) I am going to help her set up her own new business- a Brilliant Babies business model she is calling Smart Sprouts! We are going to have a lot of fun but I am going to miss my girls. They will be in very capable hands with their dad, I know, so I can enjoy myself but this is the first time I've left since Maisie was born other than an overnight to be there for Kat to have her baby. It will be strange not to feed anyone, break up fights, struggle with nap/bed time and to have a long cross-country flight to sit on my laptop in peace! But I sure will miss these two...

and their Dad! Thanks Heff- I owe you (wait... I'm counting hunting trips....)