Check Ups

We took the girls in this afternoon for their 3 year and 18 month check ups with Dr Cisco. They were healthy and happy with nothing major to report. They both got two shots- Maisie barely cried and was more interested in the bumble gum dum-dum she got to suck on but Francie knew this drill and had to be held down before the shots (in her arm now that she is a big girl- ouch!) but was fine afterwards and said "well I was kinda brave, I only cried for a little bit." Dr Cisco warned us Francie will probably love having a new baby in the house but Maisie might not be so keen on it :) Besides birth order, what tipped him off? Her little Diva personality!?

Dr Cisco said Maisie is still "lean and lanky"
Height: 34 inches ~ 99th percentile
Weight: 23 pounds ~ 30th percentile

and that Francie is "tall and sturdy" ;)
Height: 40.5 inches ~ 97th percentile
Weight: 38 pounds ~ 90th percentile

She's just glad she passed that 40 inches mark in time for her trip to Disneyland so she could go on Splash Mountain and Thunder Mountain Railroad (40 inches min) with her cousins. Dr. Cisco is a Disneyland/world fan with his grandkids and was a little shocked Francie told him these were her favorite rides!


Then I went to the doctor to get Baby Heff #3 checked out this afternoon. (good thing no one has noticed the "Number Three" ultrasound picture on my sidebar is actually Maisie, better change that quick ;) We got the results from the neucal translucency tests and the 20 week ultrasound- we are so thankful that everything is looking great. No previa this time and the baby is growing just like it should, hopefully we will be able to go for another VBAC. Heartbeat was 147. We are 22 weeks tomorrow!

*and for the record - I didn't take any pictures today but the one above was from early last week- I took a FALL at Disneyland, yup in the middle of downtown Disney when Francie clotheslined my ankles while holding my hand- so I had to get the baby checked out at L&D when I got back to be safe. Jannie went with me thank goodness and we waited and waited and when they finally came in to do a quick ultrasound
Francie said: "I have a baby in my belly too!"
Dr: "Oh you do? Then I can check yours too?"
Francie: looking skeptical... "Noooo, I need a KID doctor!"
Dr: "Ohhh, ok well you let me know when I'm done with your mom."

Francie when I'm done: "Ok check mine."
- he actually gooped her belly up and scanned it and everything- hope we don't get a bill for double duty!
Dr: "Well I see your lunch in there!"

But she was sooo proud to tell everyone she got her baby checked out too :)