Rehearsal Dinner

The Williams hosted a beautiful Rehearsal Dinner Friday night at La Honda Winery. It is tradition in the south to have all the speeches/toasts at the Rehearsal Dinner so I got off the hook and only had to give mine in front of 75 people instead of 250 :) Pat's Dad was the Best Man (also a big southern tradition) and I went first- then most of the siblings and close friends got up to say a few words too. There were some pretty funny stories! I didn't take too many pictures since the photographer was there, I can't wait to see hers when we get them back.

Bridesmaids- Christine, Ann, Kelsey and Emily

Clark, Jerry, Mikey and Johners

Jill, Jason and Jannie

Mimi, Emmy and Claire

Pretty La Honda Winery all set up for dinner

Neils and Kelsey

Claire, Francie and Emmers

La Honda Wine

Brothers Bill and John in the middle with sons Mike and James

The Groom with the Skidmore Clan! Clark, Jen and Zach (their wedding is NEXT!!!)

Jen and I - looking flashy ;)

Brian and France with the Skids

Johners Belding- took over the duties of doing a blessing at the Rehearsal Dinner, his mom Kaky did for mine :) We love you John and Miss you Kaky

Dinner is served

Bride-To-Be and Matron-of-Honor before my big speech!

Watching a cute video montage

The Bride and Groom say a few words after lots of toasts and roasts!

pretty flowers

Maisie high fivin' through the crowd

The twins entertaining France and Moo Doo Don (can't you see her right next to Francie?)

Kelsey and ABA