Thursday Cocktail Party

Thursday night Ann Skidmore (Baby Ann's godmother) and Katsy threw a fabulous cocktail party at the Skidmore's home. As with anything Ann does- it was over the top beautiful and had lots of delicious food. There were about 40-50 close family and friends and it was a great way to kickstart the celebrations. The girls finally got to meet Pat's nieces- they six of them together are trouble! Ann and Pat make such a cute couple- we are all excited for them to tie the knot on Saturday!

Can't wait to see my baby sister walk down the isle!! (for the rec- I'm taller. She's cheating with heels)

SIL-to-be Margy, Mary Eva and Baby Ann :)

James, Em, Kelsey (one of the bridesmaids and Ann's good friend from High School) with her boyfriend and Ann

Emmmmy and Maisie

"Pat's Kids!" Francie has been waiting and waiting to meet these adorable girls- Anne Marie, Emma and Mia (little sister Mary Eva too) They belong to Margy and John but one night Ann and I were telling Francie about them and mentioned their names once or twice, then when Brian was putting her to bed he goes "Apparently Pat has kids- Anne-Marie, Mia and Emma?" She knew their names off the bat but might need a reminder as to who they belong to!

The Galassini Girls and their grandma "Bea"

Jan, Ann and Jeanette (Francie was helping me upload pics at 11:30 last night- still in a night owl phase! and said - "hey they all match- ANN and JAN and JANette!" :)

The party was beautiful- as expected at the Skidmore's house!

Francie was in LOVE with her newest-instant-look-a-like-BFF Mia. Mia is 4 and a little character- they couldn't be separated all night after the initial shy meeting both chewing on their fingernails.

My Maisie Moo- in hand-me-down dresses from the Shigo girls! (and coats tonight, thanks Kerri!)

Emmy entertaining the troops

Susie, Margaret and Lisa - all good family friends and all recent/to-be grandmothers (they all look way too young to be grandmothers!) Lisa (on the right) was my "other mom" when I lived at the Fuerst's guest house for two years and I tutored their boys when I graduated from college. She would have the boys bring me a hot plate of dinner most nights- one of the many reasons I LOVED living in their crazy compound and tried my best to keep the four Fuerst boys in line- they are such a great family and I can't believe Rory is going to be a DAD!

TIRED girls! AnneMarie and Emma after a long flight, full day of sight-seeing and showing off their wonderful manners at the party. They are tuckered out :)

Pat's mom gave a great toast to Ann and Pat- she told the story of how he always pretended he was superman and borrowed his sister's nurse outfit cape...

...which she saved and passed on to his "Lois Lane"!

Love a little childhood embarrassment (as I am thinking of what to say in my MOH speech tonight!)


Anna and her husband Jason, Ann and Pat, Joe and Mary toast the B&G

James and Em- they're next!

and Ann gave a really sweet toast about her god-daughter :)

YAY for ABA and PAT!

awww Baby Ann :)

My almost brother-in-law!

In the running for the worst picture ever taken of me and the girls- chocolate-not-looking-face and a nose picker!

Not much better... but I still love them :)