Wedding Weekend is Here!!

The bride is here. The groom just landed. Family is rolling into town... Ann and Pat's wedding weekend festivities officially kicked off tonight! Let the celebration begin. And crap- I gotta write that speech :)

We all watched the Giant's game from home, then Ann & Earl's house, then the bar at Gambardella's until the Giants clinched it at 9pm! Dinner with Pat's parents, Ann Skidmore, my parents, Ann, Pat, Heff and I. (thanks for watching the girl's and MooDooDon for us Emmy!!!)

We love you guys and can't wait for Saturday! (I know- you were right ABA I look super awky in this picture- she snapped it and then goes "um, don't lean back, scoot closer together and don't look so awkward." Gotta love an honest sister- must not have been a very good night for me, Jannie told me she didn't think I was this big even when I delivered Francie or Maisie- HA!)

and Pat grabbed a waiter after dinner so I could be in the picture (although I kinda wish I could photoshop myself out of this one too! and is it the angle or are we standing in height order?) Better pics tomorrow I hope but a fun night out with the families-to-be :)