More Rounding Up!

We were up in Red Bluff for the weekend with ALL the Heffernan siblings, spouses and cousins to meet new Baby Oliver and celebrate Tom's birthday. It all came together sort of at the last minute that the whole crowd would be up there so when Kat, Andrea and I made a run to the Redding Outlets while the guys watched football (Heff just back from deer hunting all morning) and the kids played in the rain- I couldn't resist getting matching outfits for all the cousins :) It was pouring rain that afternoon when all nine happened to be awake and somewhat happy- so we were out in the rain snapping pictures and my lens was a little foggy but here they are- Oma and Opa's nine grandbabies- ours will make TEN and keep reading to find out who will be adding number 11!!

The "big kids" all playing out by the barn and the playhouse in the rain

Sweeping out the leaves in our old playhouse

and coloring arts and crafts when it got too cold and windy outside (not that they cared!)

and I don't know what we would do without Ellie as the leader of the pack! She carts Maisie around everywhere, puts her shoes and jacket on to take her outside, feeds her snacks and keeps an eye out for her around the big kids. Thanks Ellie- Maisie looooves you!

Donald was on diaper duty and got pooped on twice, then while he was waiting for the storm to pass Kat leaned down to kiss the baby and he PEED all over her and Donald! Three more poops later Donald has been initiated into the world of having a baby boy :)

Doug jumped in to help Ellie hot glue feathers on her cool parrot costume for Halloween

Andrea and I rounded up the kids for a wardrobe change

Getting ready to shoot some kids in the rain

Cute cousin outtakes- sometimes the outtakes are my favorite shots :)

and they're done

but here come Oma and Opa! (Oma looks so pretty! Opa didn't like the hay bothering his eyes so much- not a greta picture of the birthday guy)

my favorite shot :)

Family shot of the Heff's

But of course Francie only smiles for Dad :)

The Big Girls in the barn- I love Francie and Isabel's faces

The plaid gang

and the "close to One Year Olds" club (Patrick just turned 2, Maisie 18 months, Thomas 13 months, Clara, 19 months) These kids have so much fun together and it's only going to get better!

Craig Heff's

Clara Marie- soon to join the BIG SISTER CLUB!!! Sarah and Mark announced this weekend they are expecting number 2 on April 23, 2011. SO excited for them! This will mean we'll have 9 kids 3 years and under!

Barn kids

done with our little photoshoot- kids all dry inside- Dad's starting the BBQ for dinner. Heff was leaning in to set the charcoal and Craig poured a cold Sierra Nevada down his "bum crack" as Francie calls it. COLD!!!

Ellie made a matching Parrot costume for her doll

Everybody got in some good baby snuggling time

even Maisie Moo!

Dinner and cake to celebrate Opa Saturday night

Happy Birthday Tom!

Kids and their cupcakes

and Andrea is honing her expert photography skills and took some great newborn photos of Baby Oliver! My favorite one- in Oliver Donald's great grandfather Oliver Donald's saddle!