Happy Birthday Uncle James

Uncle James' birthday was October 18 so we went to Izzy's Steak House Saturday night to celebrate. Francie picked out some great "poop" themed gifts for her god-father... who still thinks anything having to do with poop is funny! She kept running over to his seat with another card or poop gift :)

"You're reaaaaalllly gonna like it!"

Can you see her face saying "it's a penguin that POOPS."

"I love it Francie!"

She thinks it's hysterical

Uncle Jerry and Heff

Jannie and the girls

Me and Heff relaxing with so many hands to help with the babies!

We did "FaceTime" with Baby Ann so she could say hi too!! Almost like she was there :)

I love my Dad's face "What? Huh? That's Ann?! Can she see us?!"

thanks iPhone :) we could have made a Hallmark commercial for you

and in our third hour of good steaks, good red wine and good company I pulled out the iPad to buy a little more time

I wish my pics weren't so blurry/flashy but Maisie was hysterical wearing jannie's glasses!

happy birthday James!