Cousins in Menlo

Monday night Claire, Tom, Maureen, Ellie, Kate & Patrick drove down from Red Bluff for the night before Maureen's flight home with the kids the next day. We squeezed the last bit of playtime out of them before they head back to New Jersey- we probably won't see them until Uncle Doug finished his fellowship in June and they are California residents again! Mark, Sarah and Clara came over for dinner. Lots of cousin love!

Kate at the kids table

Ellie reading to Francie-pants

Four Monkeys in A Crib

taco fixings

Ellie and Francie - the big sisters - had a special connection :)

and Ellie is sooo good to Baby Maisie! I love seeing Ellie walking around with Maisie on her hip- reminds me of me when I was her age :)

Aunt Maureen with six listeners on her lap for a book
Patrick the Little Monkey

Playing dress-up...