Top 10 Reasons I LOVE Heff :)

(sorry this is cheesy- might want to skip this post if you aren't Heff!) But he gets jipped on Valentine's Day since it is his BIRTHDAY and it's my parents 33rd wedding anniversary TODAY so it seems like a good appreciate your spouse day.

The Top 10 Reasons I LOVE Heff...

1. He is PATIENT. Way more patient than I am. Sometimes when the girls have me down to my last nerve I think "WWHD?" He is so calm and collected even when the terrible two's rage and the baby has a blowout and the dog is barking at the neighbors. I need to work on that :)

2. He is so THOUGHTFUL. He always thinks ahead to call someone with a little friendly advice, to be a good friend and to do nice things for his family.

3. He LOVES his baby girls. When people ask if we want a boy next (like we have control over that one) he says "Nope. I'll take 5 little girls if I'm lucky enough!" (although of course I know he would love to have a little mini mountain man too!) He puts bows in their hair and makes sure they have tights on to keep warm. He plays dress up and reads Fancy Nancy 100 times. And I love that left to his own devices he picks camo and jeans everyday and takes the little Doo out for her Tom Boy adventures.

4. He reads books. I sometimes get too busy and tell Francie "as soon as I am done I'll read you another book." but Heff always stops what he is doing to read her books in his big booming voice over, and over, and over. Even Good Dog Carl when you can totally cheat and read through it so fast- he has a full on dialogue for every page in Carl!

5. He is my Mountain Man :) Heff loves all things outdoors, hunting, fishing, guns, scopes, dogs and camo. I love that he "brings home the bacon" on his hunting adventures and I love that he likes when I get to tag along to do these things with him! Just wait until Francie and Maisie can hold a rifle....

6. He is a hard worker. Heff has a great work ethic, morals and he really cares about what he does and the people he works for. I am always so proud when I meet clients of his who just love him for his work and who he is :) Just like my Dad which I always admired and wanted to be like to. I feel so lucky I found someone just like my Dad in those ways.

7. He lets Francie nap in his office when he works. I LOVE that we are so lucky to work in the same building. It lets me stay home or go play with the girls knowing he has things under control at our little commune of an office. He takes Francie some afternoons and gets her to sleep on his couch while he is on conference calls and sometimes just takes her into play and destroy his piles of files with highlighters so I can get something done or just have some mom time. Yesterday we carpooled into work and went in opposite directions at the top of the stairs to BB and his office- I love that he is right here all the time!

8. He takes good care of me. He washes my car, fills up the tank, takes out the trash (even the diaper one- yuck), cooks us yummy dinners and even does things when I'm not even thinking like moving my car from a 2 hour zone when I get busy at work and with the girls.

9. He loves me! Even though I am crazy and insisted on moving the entire house around (MAJOR furniture) at 11pm last night. He got out of bed to get the drill and help me :) and didn't even complain about it.

10. For the 99 other reasons too :)

I love you Heff!