We're Home! So glad to see my Little Doo and my sweet husband who had the house spotless, flowers waiting AND stocked the fridge with groceries (and he actually went to Safeway instead of our little Market just so Francie could ride the big blue car) I had such a fun trip and made me appreciate being back with my little family :)

Sisters in the bathtub...

H... X, Y and Z

so much color! (color bath tabs... and water turned murky brown shortly after ;)

and speaking of color. Jannie, the girls and I went to Target yesterday and when we were driving home Francie said "Oh man you guys! You know what we forgot?!" what Francie. "JELLO!" (yes random) and then she goes "DAMN IT." and slaps her knee. I told her damn it wasn't a very nice word to say and she goes "But Damn it rhymes with Janet!" so of course it must be a perfectly accetable word to say right?