NYC Friends

I've been so lucky to get together with so many NYC friends while we've been here!

Molly and Sarah Coogan both live here- we grew up together as family friends and Molly and her band, The Rooftops, did the very famous (in our family!) Kaky's Song.

It was great to see them and catch up!

We met up at Pastis in the Meat Packing District for drinks

Jen, Zach met us there too! and Ann Skidmore, Jen's mom! How did I not get a picture of Ann!? I was so excited to see them

"Hey Zach, my Dad has one of these scratchy things too"

No feet on the table Maisie Moo

Jen and Maisie

We went out for a late dinner at a fancy restaurant called Corton. I didn't know it was quite so fancy and I figured it would be easier just to bring Maisie and let her sleep next to me... we walked down to Tribeca with my favorite cozy Bill Amberg carrier

She slept like an angel the whole walk to the restaurant and then as soon as we sat down she was wide awake. WIDE awake. The people at the restaurant must have thought I was so obnoxious for bringing a baby to a 9pm fancy dinner. (Anne and I didn't know it was going to be so fancy!)

Maisie was pretty good (despite looking mad in this picture :) and sat on my lap or got passed around most of dinner. Anne jokingly asked the waiter for a high chair and crayons. They were not so amused. But by the end of dinner (3 hours later) the waiters admitted she was a good baby. Even Chelsea Clinton at the table next to us said she was 'amazing' ;)

We joked that Maisie was a little hungover the next day from her big night out. She slept until 10am and then took a nap again shortly after :)

Then Saturday I had lunch with my friend from W&M Pete and his wife Kerry- they are expecting a baby in July!

and later that night Maisie and I took a cab down to Tribeca to some other W&M friends apartment for dinner and to meet their new baby Charlie- just 2 months! (that us Charlie above with Pete and Kerry)
Jackie, Mary, Maisie and Kerry

Pete and Greg Rotz- the old roommates- doing the dishes for the ladies!