Cirque de Soleil
/Heff and I went out Sunday night for a date night to see the "Ovo" Cirque de Soleil show in the city. The nice people at our bank invited us to the event they hosted- and yes we know they must have us confused with someone who actually puts a lot of money INTO the bank) But the show was amazing! I had never seen a Cirque de Soleil and couldn't believe how cool it was- especially for an old vaulter like me :) We had drinks and really good food before the show, great seats and to top it off we ran into some friends of Brian's who have a vaulting daughter at the same club I vaulted at so I got to talk about gymnastics and horses the whole intermission :) My husband sure has a lot of things to make fun of me for!! But it was a great night out. Thanks Jannie and Grampa for taking such good care of the girls- we picked them up napped, fed, bathed and pj'ed up!
Heff in the pre-party tent teasing me for taking camera phone pictures AND making fun of how much worse my camera phone is that his beloved crackberry ;)
Of course I wanted to take a cheesy picture of the two of us outside the tent when we left but... yup, you guessed it- I remembered Heff saying "dork" when he saw a couple taking self portraits on the way in- sorry you married a big dork Heff!
such a cool thing to see...