Monterey Bay Aquarium

Last Wednesday we ventured down to Monterey for Francie's first trip to the Monterey Bay Aquarium! We planned to meet my good friends Janna and Nancy with their kids and then at the last minute Heff decided he couldn't miss Francie's first time seeing all the fish so he came too (even if it meant pushing his hunting trip back a day, what a good dad ;) The aquarium wasn't too packed since most schools had started but it was still pretty crazy with 8 kids between the three families running around. Francie loved it, we'll have to go back!

It's windy in Monterey!

Honey had to tag along to see all the shishys too

Francie hanging out with the big kids

Janna and Nancy's Aunt Dea gave Maisie this cute pink ruffle outfit so she had to dress the part with a big ruffle bow too ;)

Starfish in the touchy-tanks

My cute godson James who just started Kindergarten!

Waiting for the next wave of water to come down overheard. It scared her silly the first time!

Sting Ray tank

More starfish and the special Seahorse exhibit

Nancy showing Maisie Moo the fish!

Joe, Whitney and James trying to catch the water :)

pretty cool place to hang out!