Maisie Sits!

Maisie can sit up all by herself now, what a big girl :) I guess she has been able to do it for a while now- I didn't get a "can sit by herself" date for her baby book... bad mom to my second baby! But actually I don't really know when Francie did either so don't feel bad Maisie. She still holds on to the floor or something for balance, but I bet she'll have that perfect-posture little baby sit soon enough. She loves to play with toys now and can sit on the floor for a little while before she heads south to roll around again. She really wants to crawl though and can move herself around pretty well, just trying to keep up with her big sister I guess!

"I can get that camera now mom!"


And sitting...

and falling...


"I'm still pretty cute down here though...."

"You know I am!"