It's A... Baby Shower!

It's a... "Reveal Party Baby Shower!" Thursday night we threw a shower for Kelli, Mike and Landry at my parents house to let everyone (including Kelli & Mike!) know if they were going to welcome a baby girl or a baby boy into their family in November. It was a crazy day leading up to the shower... Jannie had to leave town for a funeral, Landry fell and got a fat lip and I had something fly into my eye, tried in vain to get it out for two hours while taking care of the girls and then finally had to go in to see an eye doctor who got it out BUT had to put a HUGE patch on my eye because I had scratched my retina. And this was two hours before the shower started! Heff and my dad were awesome, came home early from work to get the pizza oven fire going and work on the big "reveal" :) It ended up to be a great night and "It's A..."

"Question Mark!" keep reading...

I think I was still half drugged since I let someone take my picture like this!

My Dad was awesome to help so much! He's a pizza cooking machine

Mike and Kelly waiting for the news...

Francie & Landry

Christian and The One-Eyed Pirate

Pizza party

Time for the REVEAL! Everyone who guesses "boy" went on one side of the grass...

and "girl" on the other (a lot less girl guesses!)

and while they were waiting to see just how we would announce...

Heff was hiding upstairs on the secret balcony with a duvet cover full of balloons!


Cute reaction from the crowd :)

The Agnich Family... Landry is going to have a little sister! CONGRATS Kelli & Mike!

Heff can tell Mike all about the two-girl club :)

A few more pizza's for the crowd. Maisie is stuck to her BFF Christian as usual!

Francie was loving her insta-BFF Maddie at the party and kept running to hide from her. Maddie gave her a little bracelet she won't take off!

My husband and my dad are THE BEST! Somehow we pulled it off even without our Jannie!

He even did the dishes for his one-eyed wife in my pretty pink apron! Thanks Heff :)