The Littlest Cousins

We had some down time one day in Black Butte hanging around the house with the baby girls while Francie was out fishing with her dad and Uncle Mark... so of course we took some pictures of the little girls together while they were rolling around on the floor. I brought these GIANT headband bows we put on them as a joke- they look pretty silly but kinda cute :) (Clara above in white BOW, Maisie below in pink)

Maisie is just so excited it's a nail-biter

arm in arm

Clara "found her feet" awhile ago and was so cute always playing with her toes... I was just telling Sarah that Maisie hadn't found her feet yet and the next day (on vacation) I was changing her diaper and trying to pry her little hands from her toes when I stopped and was like "Oh you found your feet too!"... Good work Maisie, major milestones Mom almost missed ;) Then I remembered this post when Francie found her feet on her four month birthday (Maisie beat her at 3.5 months- she's pulling her weight as second child :) I'll try to get some pictures of Maisie and her little tootsies too- you can see from the linked post Francie was so much chubbier!

Anyway... back to Clara and her feet...

The Big Cheese watching the girls before she left for her big fishing trip (with her favorite thing in the world right now... a LOLLIPOP. She asks for one like 12 times a day, "Pleeeeeease Mom? Just ONE?!" No Francie, we don't eat Lollipops for breakfast first thing n the morning my little sweet tooth.)

Sarah and Clara Marie

My Smiley Maisie Moo

and CUTE Clara

SO serious...

These two will be such good buddies!