I Wuv Ya, Tomorrow!

Friday morning we went to Emma's play, Annie, at the Paly Theater. It was so cute and so well done! The play was the end of her two week Hope Musical Theater camp and pretty amazing these kids learned the entire play of Annie in 8 days. Francie and Maisie both sat on my lap the whole show enthralled with the kids, music and lights... well except for the times Francie ran down the isles to "go find Owen" and even though we were sitting in the way back apparently the entire audience and cast clearly heard Francie say "Hi Emma!" when she came on stage as Sandy the Dog. :)

Francie's not so sure about Sandy's face make-up but she sure loves her neighbors

Reenacting "HI EMMA!"

After the play we all went out to lunch with the "cast members"... Francie was so excited to be invited to sit at the big girls table. They all took very good care of her.

and she led a parade around the shopping center with all the kids while the parents sat outside in the sun for a few minutes of quiet (I think there were like 20 kids there!)