Painting with Owen

Francie is just old enough now that she can "play" with the neighbors and they don't think of her as the baby anymore. We are lucky to have fun neighbors who put up with us! (As I listen to Heff screwing in loud lag-bolts in the driveway right now... probably past their bedtime!) Emma and Owen found a loose board in the fence between our houses last week and it has been a party ever since. Their mom, Chrissie, and I can't fit through it like they can so it's a cat-and-mouse game going back and forth to each other's houses when we are looking for the kids! The other day while Emma was at camp, Owen and Francie "painted" a cardboard box they wanted to live in. I think I get a bad-mom award since I didn't have any suitable kid paints, I watered down some Benjamin Moore REAL paint and let them go at it! Owen provided the aprons but sorry if his clothes came back a little altered Chrissie :)

Owen is so cute with his peace sign for the camera

Francie didn't really get the whole "don't mix the colors" thing

Owen was very patient with her


And then it digressed to mixing and dumping. Waiting for Heff to ask about those dead spots on our lawn ;)