
I added some "pages" to our blog under the header... one says "Francie & Maisie" (was Francie VS Maisie but that seemed a little too competitive ;) So I added the pages to move their Day-by-Day pictures since the length of my sidebars is getting a little insane. I randomly pulled their side by side photos from the same age (makes it easy that they were both born on the 18th of the month for counting back!) and noticed some of the pictures looked the same (same pose, expression, etc) even though I think Francie and Maisie themselves look like very different babies. I pulled out the next round of hand-me-downs and was inspired to stage a "look-a-like" photo this time... both girls in the same Bumbo seat in the same outfit with the same kitchen toys in the same place!

and Maisie!

Francie had a lot more hair...
and Maisie is such a little baldy!

Francie dropping things...
Mischievous Maisie says "Uh-Oh!"

Francie sure was a chubber!
and Maisie is nothing but smiles

Pretty funny to see the differences! (In the pics, Franice is 2 days after her 4 month birthday and Maisie is 2 days shy of 4 months... pretty close to the same age ;)

and another look-a-like shot (kinda creepy maybe ;) Maisie was by chance (i swear) in these pj's when I pulled up an old photo of Francie and it popped up HUGE on my computer screen so I held Maisie up next to it. (Heather Sakai is holding Francie, sorry to cut you off/replace your head with Maisie!)