A Week at Home

We've been up in Red Bluff so much this month it hardly feels like we're living in our house! This week has been filled with lots of exciting things - laundry, relaxing, playing in the backyard, laundry, playing in the front yard, walking to lunch and dinners at home. Yup I said exciting ;) It's been nice to do a whole lot of nothing for a few days. We did have to visit Dr. Cisco's office twice this week though for two sick girls but they are both on Amoxicillin now and on the mend. It was Francie's FIRST ear infection and Maisie just has a little cold/goopy eyes. We are loving "the pink drink" around here...

Francie harvested our first tomatoes, eggplants and squash of the season... we made beef curry with the veggies for dinner, they were yummy

and we put a big-girl crib in Maisie's 'room'! (half office, half maisie's room, half heff's closet... we're running out of half's in our cozy little Polly Pocket's mansion :)

Maisie-Moo has been "rolling all over the place" as Francie says when she holds her and doesn't like the wiggling ;) Francie didn't roll over until she was around four months old I think but Maisie flopped her little body over when she was ten weeks old and hasn't stopped. I thought it was just a flukey thing she was doing since she's so petite (yes, Heff and I somehow have a child one might even consider petite- she's only 13 pounds!) she could just flop herself over but she rolls back to front and front to back like nobody's business. I kept waking up to find her on her tummy in the bassinet so it seems like she's ready for a crib. We borrowed this neat little port-a-crib from Jannie's until Francie graduates to a bigger bed.

My big girls!

and their funny daddy

in other news... Francie is "trying" big girl UNDIES! not ready to take the plunge and give up diapers yet, but maybe soon. Diapers are just so easy! (If anyone has a new baby looking for some good toys, Emmy and I got this tummy time mat and all wood baby kicker/looker/play thing at IKEA- for $20!)

Francie luckily has no concept of climbing OUT of her crib, but loves to climb IN Maisie's crib to snuggle!

Not too bothered by her ear infection... but the day after I took Maisie in to see Nurse Kathy and Doctor Cisco Francie kept saying "my ear hurts. I need medicine too" and then picked up the TV remote and pretended to call the pediatricians saying "Hi Nurf Kafy... this is Francie. Heff-er-NAN. I need to come in please?" I figured I should listen to the little stinker and sure enough she has her first ear infection and wasn't faking.

Little Maisie has been a bit more bothered by her sickies and has been sleeping a lot and kinda lethargic- but she's still smiling a lot and doesn't complain much. I love my little Maisie-Moo :)

or maybe it's taken more of a toll on Francie than I thought... she looks pretty drugged in this picture playing with Dad!

That's all we've been doing this week. Hope all you nice people who read our silly blog are having a great summer so far :) I'm thinking the blog needs a makeover... any ideas??