Meeting Cousins

Monday we had a mellow day around the house playing it the yard and breaking out the's still nice hot summer weather

Maisie on her favorite quilt Aunt Andrea made for her

Francie's favorite game of the afternoon was dropping her lollipop in the watering can full of water and fishing it out... then licking it and doing it again. Pretty gross but I let her do it!

Monday night my first cousin Theresa and her girls Annette and Jane came down to meet Francie and Maisie for the first time! They were down for the day and Jannie took the girls shopping (she is Jane's godmother) at Nordstrom Rack where they picked out their groovy new t-shirts. We went over to the Johnets for dinner and Francie ran around showing her cousins the doll-doll room she calls Francie's room (Maisie better start setting her straight!) and playing outside. They all had fun together and Annette even read Francie her favorite Olivia book before we went home for bedtime.