Remembering Rosslynne

We celebrated the life of Rosslynne Wichmann
December 2, 1913
July 2, 2009
in 95 years she led a great life and has a great lineage of
descendants to remember her and carry on the things she taught us!

After a very nice Rosary Wednesday night at the funeral home we had a funeral mass Thursday at 11:30 at Sacred Heart in Red Bluff. Claire and Cathleen did a beautiful job arranging everything.

Heff and his brothers and cousins were pallbearers, Francie helped too

Rosslynne's three daughters, Nikki, Claire and Cathleen with her great granddaughters on their laps for the burial

It was a beutiful place to be buried, the St Mary's Cemetery in Red Bluff...

so peaceful that Francie fell asleep on Uncle Donald

Rosslynne was buried right next to her husband Carl

and unbelievably a huge rainbow appeared in the sky above the cemetery during the burial :)

then back to Oma and Opa's house for a reception to celebrate her life (with the Slurpee Francie was promised if she behaved in mass)

We'll miss you Grandma Wichmann!