Foggy Beach Day

Sunday was HOT here in Menlo Park (90+ degrees) so we packed up and headed to the beach... along with every other person from the Bay Area! We thought we had a great plan- Heff wanted to get some archery range practice in before his first hunt in a few weeks so he decided he would drive his girls over the hill to meet friends for brunch while he went back up to skyline to the archery range (humm... who doesn't trust my driving? :) This all sounded great... until we hit the 92 TRAFFIC. Even with our backroads 84 cut-through the 3 miles of Highway 92 took us 45 minutes to get through. Ouch. It was a foggy day at the beach but kind of nice to cool off!

FOGGY view of the beach at brunch

Literally as soon as we sat down I fed Maisie and she left that unmistakable newborn baby mark (aka blowout) on my white shorts. This was a 20+ wipe cleanup and thank goodness for the sale bin at the gift shop with cute replacements!

Maisie says "Hey Sis... did you see that one? Pretty impressive huh?"

"Wait, stop talking about Maisie... it's all about ME!"

After brunch and some playdough action (Francie brought it- adults enjoyed it) we got ready to walk down to the beach...

Even though it was hot and sunny 20 miles away at home, Half Moon Bay is usually socked in fog like this. It was a nice break from the heat but not good for frizzy hair! Literally 200 yards away on the highway it was perfectly clear and sunny but the coastline was all fog.

Ready to get her toes in the ocean

Miss Everything-in-it's-place had to run her crocs back up to our bag first

Anne & Bjorn-ridin-Benji

Benji's dogs met us there to play... Francie was in heaven and didn't have a clue we were all laughing at the way she says their names, especially when she shouts it across the beach. Fluffy was "Come here SHU-SSSHY!"

Closest we got to "cheeeese" for the camera

Another one just her size... "Frank" (think Father of The Bride "Frank") aka "Sonk"

Sonk kissing Sanse

Anne hod-rattin' on the beach

Sergey met us at the beach and took Francie in to play in the shallow waves

Snuggling with Maisie- on her first trip to play on the beach!

Not so sure about all this sand and fog and the loud waves but pretty happy she didn't end up all wet like big sis (I think Maisie might be more princess, less tomboy if a newborn's personality says anything about them)