Summer Camp

Tuesday was Francie's first day at Summer Camp! She went to Brilliant Babies for the Little Learners morning program from 9-12 and loved it. It was Farm Week so she wore her overalls and camo crocs :)

Heff took her in the morning while I finished up a few things at home, then took Maisie to Stanford Moms Group with her little friends :) We met Dad and Francie at Ann's coffee shop for a quick lunch and then swung by Dr. Cisco's office to check out Maisie's eye (had a little gunk, just needed drops) then went back to the office so I could work for 8 minutes (while parked in the loading zone, paid a few bill and said hi to the girls) and then met our friends Emily & Benji at Stanford Shopping Center to shop and check out the playhouses one last time before the big auction this weekend! Francie power-napped in her stroller while I had Maisie in my sling so I had hands free for some shopping too :) Such a busy day I didn't even have time to take pictures! But we got home and picked up dad to head over to Uncle Mark & Aunt Sarah's for dinner. Maisie and Clara are so cute together now! They hung out and swung together whie Francie was busy shooting her bow out back with Dad and checking on Mark's chickens.
