Francie and Rose

Francie got to hang out with her friend Rose this week a couple times and they are hilarious together. They both picked out the same shirt (weird huh ;) to wear on their lunch date and Rose brought beads and lollipops to fight over... and these two do fight like teenagers! They've both got a little spunk ;)

Courtney, Mary, Francie, Lena and Rose at lunch (with Maisie making herself known in the stroller- hanging on tight to her paparazzi shield!)

When we got to lunch Francie and Maisie were both asleep (no double stroller I like yet) so I threw Maisie in the sling and Francie in Maisie's carseat/stroller to take a little nap. Waking up the Little Doo before she is ready is no recommended :)

Maisie entertained Courtney while her sister was asleep

and Courtney brought pink rock candy for the girls! I was to busy picking sticky rocks off of me to get a cute picture of Francie with hers... she insisted on sitting on my lap to eat it and on biting it down to the stick!