Aviation Museum

Thursday morning we met Amy, Asher, Lena and Rose at the Hiller Aviation Museum for a playdate and lunch. We got to watch airplanes take off outside and even saw a "Hew-wo-copter" fly right in front of us and the pilot waved at the kids :)

Packing up her "purse" for the day

Checking out the runway with Asher

The whole production passing out snacks to the toddlers

Lena and Rose watch the Hew-wo-copter flying low (we think this guy was learning how to fly- it was slightly scary)

Amy and Asher on the platform with chubby-legs-Francie

Francie loving the airplanes (and the dirt she rubbed all over her face)

Better views

Big girl in the museum looking for a co-pilot

Lunch at the Sky Kitchen Cafe and Rose shared a lollipop for dessert (I see a trend here;)

Thanks Rose :)

and my cute little Maisie Moo in cherries!
(Baby Ann thinks this is a "Jannie smile" we still don't know who she looks like?)

but she sure is a happy baby!