Thanks Auntie Em!!!

Em came over last night with the SWEETEST GIFT! Her sister Carrie Guy has a company called "Henry & Me" and she paints these really beautiful watercolors for kid's rooms and did a custom one for Francie and Maisie! It has so many personal touches... Jannie & Grampa's house with Jannie and Sophie out front watching Francie walk home with her wagon and Ollie in tow... then in her bedroom with her new little sister in her crib, fat little Ollie watching and every detail down to the polka dot walls and name blocks are exactly like her room!! We can't get over how much it really looks like Francie (and Jannie!). I love the sweet quote at the bottom and the framing is beautiful (thanks Marla too!) Carrie you are so good!!!

Francie was showing off "HER" new painting to Emmy this morning... she likes lounging on her changing table looking at it!

WOW... thanks Auntie Em!!!!