MaryMarjorie's Baptism

Sunday June 7 was Maisie's christening day! Monsignor Otellini, who married us and baptized Francie, performed a private ceremony for us at 3:00pm at The Church of the Nativity in Menlo Park. We had the godparents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, great aunts, great uncles and great-great Aunt Marge all there to help celebrate her special day. The baptism was really nice and Francie kept a close eye on what was going on, she's not used to not being the center of attention ;) Maisie was great and didn't cry a bit during her christening thanks to her godmother Emmy keeping her quite content. We had a little party at our house afterwards to celebrate for Maisie!

Francie loved time with Opa this weekend... she climbed right up on this bench to sit next to him when we got to church

Getting Maisie into her baptismal dress outside the church, godparents assisting

Proud god-parents

and proud parents

my cousins

Jerry with his big sister ;)

Donald was my photographer for the ceremony (good work Donald) and caught Uncle Mark considering getting french tips like Aunt Kat's (holding Baby Clara!)

Monsignor welcoming us

In the church ready for the ceremony

Maisie wore the dress Baby Ann, Godmother Emmy and my goddaughter Claire all wore for their christenings

parents and godparents

Getting ready to pour the holy water over her head

Baptized! (with Francie yelling in the background "Maisie taking a bath?")

Oil blessing on her head by Monsignor

and lighting her candle

final blessing (Francie definitely tried to blow out the candle:)

Francie says "good job Maisie"

Introducing the newest little Catholic MaryMarjorie Sheehy Heffernan

Maisie's namesake Great Aunt Marge (Marjorie Sheehy)

The Simonsons

The Heffernans

Aunt Marge is so cute! and Emmy did a GREAT job holding sweet Maisie for her baptism... not a peep out of her the whole ceremony! She loves her godmom Emmy :)

That's me trying to get a group shot with the timer...

didn't work so Donald stepped up to the plate to take the picture

and family BBQ at the Heffs to celebrate!

Uncle Jerry and a big bottle of White Star... very happy!

cork poppin and coke drinking

guys and cigars

Uncle James double-fisting

A-woo and Em

Kat & Donald

My BBQ man :)

the girls

Nancy & Jon and their adorable three

After dinner s'mores

The godparents pulled off some very impressive and special gifts! A sterling silver cup and bowl engraved from Uncle Jerry (even wrapped cute!)

"Add-a-pearls" from Emmy! A family tradition... (she'll start with one- these are to 'symbolize' the gift on it's way from Em:) very special.

We love you MaryMarjorie Sheehy!