Emmy's Team Party

Sunday night my parents hosted Emmy's SJSU soccer team and their families for the end of the year banquet and awards. We are all so proud of Emmy of course who was honored as the Offensive MVP and Overall MVP! She'll be a senior next season and we can't wait for the games. Francie thinks she is the team mascot and loves all the soccer girls. She is always asking about "Emmy's socc-a friends names is?" and was talking up a storm and telling them all her stories. The girls are all so sweet- it as a fun night.

attitude (two girls Emmy went to high school with and hadn't seen in a while MADE these cute bows for Francie! They saw on her blog that she loved to take pictures of kids and figured out Francie loves bows so they made a whole set of cool bows for Francie and her photo shoots.. what nice friends!)

"Who are all these people?"

Katsy, Mimi and Jannie take a minute out of cooking and serving to pose with Maisie

Swinging with her sister (I was going for Spartan yellow and blue but pink always finds it's way in there too :)

Francie grew out of her favorite Lucky jeans Emmy gave her... she went for True Religions this time :)

Emmy and Aunt Mimi with the girls

Sitting with Emmy and Drew for the awards

Riding on Dad's shoulders... Mare, John and Em