Memorial Day Weekend BBQ

Saturday we threw together a BBQ with some friends and neighbors to celebrate Memorial Day Weekend and the official start of the summer season. Heff grilled up Santa Maria style Tri-tip with salsa and beans and we had lots of beverages for the adults and snacks for the kids. We ended up with 19 kids under the age of 5 at the party... it was nuts! We had a great time catching up with friends and didn't shut the party down until 1am, just in time for Maisie to wake up ;) Happy Memorial Day weekend!

Maisie and her soon-to-be-buddy Beau (just 3 days older than she is)

The Fosters on a kid-free date night!

kids in the playpit

Paige with Maisie and Icie

feeding the troops

Neighbors Jess and Jen with the baby- she was passed around all night and very happy about it!

Dawn and I

The Chanes

Emma- the leader of the pack and only kid at the party over 5 yrs old!

Francie and friends

the legrands in the sun

Heff and the guys grilling

Bounce house never gets old

Christian, Dawn, Alexis and I... we all went to Sacred Heart together!

Lena, Adam and Rose on a family pile-up

speaking of a pile-up! Miles and the kids at the bottom of the bouncy slide

Chris and Wesley with his very patriotic binky

Heff's law partner Dan and his wife Michelle gave Francie this adorable Corelle doll for being a new big sister- she hasn't put it down since!

Christian and I on the couch with Maisie

Late night crowd... Heff, Bert and Estelle

The Little Doo still going strong....

her father was not too happy when she showed off her "dancing pole" skills!

girls are getting sleepy

Francie held off going to bed by fetching Coors Light for everyone

Heff's ready for bed!