My New Lunch Spot

Now that the warm weather is here to stay we've been hitting all of our favorite outdoor lunch spots... but I am slightly obsessed with going up to the new resort, Rosewood at Sand Hill, for lunch on their outdoor patio overlooking the pool. This place just appeared out of nowhere and it is so nice up there. Cobb Salad and an Arnold Palmer with my girls and friends in the sun- not a bad way to spend the afternoon :)

Francie sits in her own big girl chair snacking, reading Carl books and coloring away (I might not have noticed the crayon on the side of the table while she was busy coloring... Thank goodness for wipes, it came right off ;)

Maisie doesn't mind hanging out either

on my lap

Maisie's lunch date kissing "Beatrice" the Butterfly ;)

Francie trying to put her shades on

My girls


is a wild child!

loading back up in the car to go home (5 miles away but feels like we're on vacation when we're here!)